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Middlesbrough in 1885: Original Sketches by J. Thomson Dunning - FREE online #StayAtHomeHistory

Middlesbrough in 1885: Original Sketches by J. Thomson Dunning

As part of our #StayAtHomeHistory initiative, in partnership with Middlesbrough Libaries we are making Middlesbrough in 1885: Original Sketches by J. Thomson Dunning available online.

As part of Heritage Unlocked’s #StayAtHomeHistory initiative during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, we are making a number of heritage and history resources available for free.

Following guidance issued by Mind on the coronavirus and well-being , we hope that by making these resources available, Heritage Unlocked can help during this difficult time when libraries, museums and shops are closed and support those in self-isolation and social distancing by providing heritage an history publications and resources to help relaxation and keep minds stimulated.

In partnership with Middlesbrough Libraries, Middlesbrough in 1885: Original Sketches by J. Thomson Dunning is the second resource to be made available through our #StayAtHomeHistory initiative.

You can view the publication online here.