Call for Papers extended: Winter Garden inspired History and Heritage Day at Middlesbrough Town Hall Announced
Workers at Lady Bell’s Winter Garden in Middlesbrough (Middlesbrough Libraries)
THE heritage and history of leisure and recreation across the centuries is to be explored as part of a collaboration between Creative Factory, Heritage Unlocked and Middlesbrough Town Hall. The ‘Leisure and Recreation History and Heritage Day', taking place in Middlesbrough Town Hall on Tuesday, October 22, forms part of this year's Discover Middlesbrough programme. Organisers are currently inviting proposals for presentations from individuals and organisations interested in the history and heritage of leisure and recreation.
The event has been inspired by the rising interest in the history of leisure and heritage and recent developments in Middlesbrough including projects researching Lady Florence Bell's People's Winter Garden, plans to enhance Middlesbrough Central Library and the recent heritage-led enhancements at Middlesbrough Town Hall. It is hoped that the event will help highlight ways in which the past can help improve, inform and inspire current day practices and projects.
Creative Factory Producer Gordon Dalton said: "Creative Factory is based on listening to artists and to the community and making things happen. The Winter Garden provides an example of Middlesbrough at its best, of everyone working together for a common good. We look forward to seeing ideas and new projects develop."
Event organiser Dr Tosh Warwick of Heritage Unlocked added: "We hope by bringing together those interested in the heritage of leisure and recreation both locally and from outside the area that the event can help exchange knowledge and highlight the ways in which history can help drive and inspire contemporary leisure and recreation initiatives."
Submissions for presentations of 20 minutes, including an abstract of no more than 250 words along with a brief biography, should be sent by the revised deadline of August 12, 2019 to Dr Tosh Warwick at